Proactive Inspiration

for Living Everyday

Friday, August 31, 2007

Do It Anyway

"You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach and you know it might not ever come your way...Dream it anyway. This world's gone crazy and it's hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today...Believe it anyway. You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons, and in a moment they can choose to walk away...Love them anyway. I sing. I dream. I love. Anyway."
"Anyway" - Martina McBride

I saved this song for last because it is one of my favorites. No matter how difficult my day is, this song always makes me feel hopeful. Often, when we speak of hope, we are talking about believing that things will end up as we would like them to be...that things will turn out "ok." What I love about this song, is that it focuses on things being "ok" simply becuase we do what we ought to do, live as we ought to live...with courage, conviction, and belief, regardless of the outcome. It speaks that the hope is in the journeying, not in the arriving. This type of hope is the greatest encouragement to me because it allows us to be successful on the road to success, it reminds us that just being on the right path is already succeeding.

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Allow yourself to indulge in hope, allow yourself the comfort of belief, and the warmth of faith. What you hope for may not come your way, but your days will always be brighter for having allowed yourself to dream.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Power of Friends

"Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy, but I've got friends that love me, and they know just where I stand. It's all a part of me, and that's who I am."
"Who I Am" - Jessica Andrews

Thank God for friends that love and understand us! I am often amazed by just how much it can mean to someone, simply to be understood. In the end, our best friends in life tend to be the ones that really "get" us...the ones that seem to know how we are feeling without our having said a word. Our thoughts, our ideas, our dreams, our fears...these things make up who we are as human beings. Our friends may not share the same dreams, the same ideas, but they do understand ours and value them for just how important they are to us. You can watch the entire music video by clicking on it on the left side of the blog.

Food for Thought: Do you tend to understand friends better than they understand you or the other way around?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Try to equalize any imbalances in this regard. If you tend to understand others better than they understand you, perhaps you are not sharing enough of yourself with those close to you. If you feel well understood, perhaps you would do well to listen more to your friends and try to understand their points of view.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just Wait

"If ever you are feeling like you're tired, and all your uphill struggles leave you headed downhill...I ask of you a very simple question, did you think for one minute that you were alone? And is your suffering a privilege you share only, or did you think that everybody else feels completely at home?...There's no such thing as a failure who keeps trying. Coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace... Just wait. Just wait. Just wait. And it will come."
"Just Wait" - Blues Traveler

Thanks to Bear for recommending this song. I wasn't able to locate it on YouTube, so if you would like to listen for free, I am including a link to a live version: When you go to the link, you will see a box appear on the right, upper side of the screen with the names of songs. Click on the tool bar on the right side of the box and drag the bar down until you come to song number 12 which is "Just Wait." Click on the song and it will start. Give it a chance to get going, the audio quality gets better after the first minute or so of this live version.

This song echoes a theme that I will touch more on in the next post. Simply stated it is "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Sometimes, though, the trying must be tempered with a little bit of patient waiting. Some things in life can't be forced. Perserverance and timing must work hand in hand.

Food for Thought: Is there an area of your life where you are "pushing," where you might be better "waiting?"

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Picture the things you want, the things you are working for, moving towards you through space and time. Slow down. Wait for them.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Loving to Death

"O you'll take the high road and I'll take the low road, and I'll be in Scotland before you; but me and my true love will never meet again on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond."
Loch Lomond - Scottish Traditional

Thanks to Lisa for suggesting this song. I think the version that I posted is a really cool rendition and even those who don't care for traditional folk songs should check it out. Click on the YouTube link on the left side of the blog.

This song was apparently written by a young soldier to his sweetheart. Two of Bonnie Prince Charlies soldiers were captured in Carlisle after the abortive rising of 1745. One wrote the song, the other was released and took it back to Scotland to give to his colleague's sweetheart. The low road refers to the soldier's impending death and the path of his spirit, whilst the high road is either the sign of hope for which he sacrificed his life, or the actual road back to Scotland over the high rugged hills. Hence, his spirit would return via the low road and be back in Scotland first.

I am not a pacifist per se, and I do believe that there are things worth fighting for, even worth dying for. But it seems that perhaps the leaders of our world have become so far removed from the suffering and the dying part of war that they forget that for every soldier lost, there is a love for whom he/she will not return.

Food for Thought: How many wars do you feel are noble and how many are needless?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Standing Out from the Crowd

"Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you. Looking as innocent as possible to get to who they want and what they like, it's easy if you do it right. Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!"
"Misery Business" - Paramore

This song is a little angry, but I like the message of the lyrics above. I have never fit in and most of the time I am happy about that. But sometimes I feel the temptation to be fake in order to get what I want. In the end, I would rather have only a few people love me than many people love someone that I pretend to be. Check out the YouTube link on the left side of the blog to watch the music video for "Misery Business" by Paramore.

Food for Thought: Who knows the real you?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Spend an entire day saying only what you mean and nothing else.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Struggling for Success

"Yes I'm grounded, got my wings clipped, I'm surrounded by all this pavement. Guess I'll circle, while I'm waiting for my fuse to dry...Someday I'll fly. Someday I'll soar. Someday I'll be so damn much more...'Cause I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for."
"Bigger Than My Body" - John Mayer

Thanks again to those who commented on what songs they find inspirational. I picked this one for today's blog because it reminds me that success does not always come when we need it or when we want it. But success that must be patiently earned is oftentimes sweeter than that which comes quickly and without struggle. And, somehow, knowing that others are struggling for their success encourages me to continue the struggle as well. You can listen to all of "Bigger Than My Body" by clicking on the YouTube feed on the left of the blog.

Food for Thought: What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in life so far? How long did you struggle to obtain that goal?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Find someone in your life who is struggling for a goal and give them a word or a note of encouragement.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Meaningful Moments

"Hoping that he's meant for more than arguments and failed attempts to fly. We were meant to live for so much more...Have we lost ourselves?"
"Meant to Live" - Switchfoot

Thanks to one of our readers for contributing this song as something that inspires him/her. You can listen to all of "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot by clicking on this link:

I love these lyrics because they remind us that we ARE meant to live for so much more. Life can become a mundane series of daily events (work, eat, sleep, watch tv, repeat) that numbs us to what we really want our lives to be.

Food for Thought: What do you really want your life to be? When you die, what legacy do you want to leave?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: As you go through life today, try to separate yourself from the "things" that you must get done in order to appreciate the moments that comprise your life.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Combatting Depression

"Depression is anger without enthusiasm."
- Anonymous

"The madness of depression is the antithesis of violence. It is a storm indeed, but a storm of murk. Soon evident are the slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled back close to zero. Ultimately the body is affected and feels sapped, drained."
- William Styron

At some time or another, we all battle feelings of depression. I find the above quotes to be true for me when I feel depressed. I also feel tired, hopeless, unable to focus my energy to positive channels. What makes depression so insidious is that it appears often as a shifting cloud, something that cannot quite be named, let alone held back. So name it! I have found that naming the cause of my depression, and then allowing myself to temporarily rage in anger against it, transforms my feelings from shapeless weights upon my spirit to very identifiable demons that can be fought and conquered.

Food for Thought: The next time you feel depressed, ask yourself to identify the sources of your depression (financial difficulties, relationship struggles, the words or actions of another person, etc.) and then name them out loud. Say, for example, "I am depressed because I am going through a divorce!"

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Once you have identified the source(s) of your feelings, allow yourself to express anger at the circumstances that are holding you back from your joy. Say, out loud, "I am angry that a divorce has come into my life, I am angry that my ex is hurting my feelings." Continue expressing your anger until you feel that you have covered all the things that are hurting your spirit. Then, speak out loud your resolve to not let these feelings steal your joy, "I deserve to be joyful, I will not allow this person to steal my joy, I will not allow these circumstances to steal my joy." Resolve within you to fight as strongly against these negative feelings stealing your joy as you would against a thief stealing your possessions, or a murderer trying to steal your life. Your joy is your life. Fight for it.

Proactive Inspiration Interaction: Please continue to post your inspiring music below under the last blog entry. Starting Monday morning we will be selecting songs to feature on the left side of the blog as YouTube feeds.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Musical Inspiration

"There is something very wonderful about music. Words are wonderful enough; but music is even more wonderful. It speaks not to our thoughts as words do; it speaks through our hearts and spirits, to the very core and root of our souls. Music soothes us, stirs us up, it puts noble feelings in us, it can make us cringe; and it can melt us to tears; and yet we have no idea how. It is a language by itself, just as perfect in its ways as speech, as words, just as divine, just as blessed."
- Charles Kingsley

Proactive Inspiration Interaction: Use the "comments" button below the blog entry to share with us what music inspires you. We all have "theme songs", songs that pick us up when we're feeling down. Share with us which song(s) inspire you and we will pick several to feature as YouTube videos on the blog over the next week.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Continuous Inspiration

"It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life."
- Ross Perot

The corollary to this is that you will have to try many ideas in order to find that one. Nurture your creativity by acting on your ideas. Trying new things and daring to experiment with our time and talents makes us more multi-dimensional and more alive. Not every idea you act on will be the one that may bring you prosperity, but all the ideas you bring to life will bring you something in return. Perhaps a new idea will bring you into contact with new people, it may bring you increased understanding and wisdom, it may help you to see things from a different angle, or it might just be fun. Don't dismiss your ideas as foolishness. I'm sure the idea of men flying through the skies on birdlike wings seemed very foolish at first.

Food for Thought: With all the distractions of life, how often are you simply still in order to allow your mind to wander?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Start a notebook, and in the notebook write down your ideas as they come to you. Don't censor them or try to determine which are "good" or "valuable"...just write them down. Once a week, read through the ideas and pick one to act on.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Conquering Fear

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past
I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." - Frank Herbert's "Dune"

Fear is what will always bind us to mediocrity. If we desire greatness, we must abandon our fears. What great accomplishment ever came without risk? The insidious thing about fearing failure, is that succumbing to that fear guarantees it. Allowing our fears to dictate our lives is simply a slow, quiet form of failure rather than a loud, obvious one. But it is no less real...and it is no less failure.

Food For Thought: What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Take time today to identify what fears are holding you back from further success.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Finding Your Joy

"Joy is not in things; it is in us." - Richard Wagner

There are two parts to being a truly proactive individual: the first is planning for the future, and the second is acting in the present. The greatest danger facing the ambitious and the driven in the world is the danger that they will miss enjoying the present as they press on towards their brighter futures. Productivity and hard work do not have to come at the expense of joy.

If you do not find joy in your work and in your play today, on what day will you find it? Joy comes from within ourselves, if we cannot find it now, we will not find it in the future.

Food For Thought: What circumstances in your life are you hoping will change so that you can be joyful?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Take the circumstances described above and accept them as your reality for today. Perhaps they will change in the future, perhaps they won't. Resolve to live joyfully today in whatever circumstances you find yourself.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Unconditional Love Transforms

"You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving it's my priveledge
And you owe me nothing in return.

This is the only kind of love as I understand it that there really is."
- "You Owe Me Nothing," Alannis Morissette

We all like to profess that we have unconditional love for certain people in our lives...most notably our children. But I recognize within myself that when I love someone, I naturally desire their love in return. Alannis challenges me in this song to wonder if love offered for the sake of returns is truly love at all. I am not referring to loving someone who causes you pain, or spending undue resources or time on a love that is unhealthy. I am speaking of loving those that deserve your love, those you have chosen to love, without evaluating their response to it.

Perhaps loving is the end to itself...regardless of whether or not it is returned. We all have different capacities for love and for its expressions. Should we limit our love to others based on their capacity to return our love in the way that we might like?

Food for Thought: How much love would you allow yourself to show for others if you did not care whether or not they returned the sentiment? Could that love change your circumstances in a positive way?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Today, find one person in your life that you love, but have neglected to tell them enough or ever...and tell them you care about them without expecting any response.

Video Link:

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What is Proactive Inspiration?

"However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act upon them?"
- Buddha

We believe that inspiration is like fuel for the rocket ships of our lives. We all require it daily, and if it is not put into action it is useless in and of itself. Through this blog, we hope to not just inspire you, but to inspire you to ACTION! If everyone in the world, or if everyone in your country, or if everyone in your city, or if just everyone on your block took one step each day to make their corner of the world a better place...stop and think for one moment what miracles could be accomplished. Now think what you can accomplish in your own life if you will only take one proactive step towards your dreams, towards the life you desire, every day.

Each post on this blog will challenge you to do just that. We hope that together we will find inspiration in every day, and action for every inspiration.

Food for Thought: How old were you when you gave up on changing the world?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Take one step today, however small, in the direction of your dreams.