Proactive Inspiration

for Living Everyday

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Combatting Depression

"Depression is anger without enthusiasm."
- Anonymous

"The madness of depression is the antithesis of violence. It is a storm indeed, but a storm of murk. Soon evident are the slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled back close to zero. Ultimately the body is affected and feels sapped, drained."
- William Styron

At some time or another, we all battle feelings of depression. I find the above quotes to be true for me when I feel depressed. I also feel tired, hopeless, unable to focus my energy to positive channels. What makes depression so insidious is that it appears often as a shifting cloud, something that cannot quite be named, let alone held back. So name it! I have found that naming the cause of my depression, and then allowing myself to temporarily rage in anger against it, transforms my feelings from shapeless weights upon my spirit to very identifiable demons that can be fought and conquered.

Food for Thought: The next time you feel depressed, ask yourself to identify the sources of your depression (financial difficulties, relationship struggles, the words or actions of another person, etc.) and then name them out loud. Say, for example, "I am depressed because I am going through a divorce!"

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Once you have identified the source(s) of your feelings, allow yourself to express anger at the circumstances that are holding you back from your joy. Say, out loud, "I am angry that a divorce has come into my life, I am angry that my ex is hurting my feelings." Continue expressing your anger until you feel that you have covered all the things that are hurting your spirit. Then, speak out loud your resolve to not let these feelings steal your joy, "I deserve to be joyful, I will not allow this person to steal my joy, I will not allow these circumstances to steal my joy." Resolve within you to fight as strongly against these negative feelings stealing your joy as you would against a thief stealing your possessions, or a murderer trying to steal your life. Your joy is your life. Fight for it.

Proactive Inspiration Interaction: Please continue to post your inspiring music below under the last blog entry. Starting Monday morning we will be selecting songs to feature on the left side of the blog as YouTube feeds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

song, just wait: Blues Traverler; Bear