Proactive Inspiration

for Living Everyday

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Struggling for Success

"Yes I'm grounded, got my wings clipped, I'm surrounded by all this pavement. Guess I'll circle, while I'm waiting for my fuse to dry...Someday I'll fly. Someday I'll soar. Someday I'll be so damn much more...'Cause I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for."
"Bigger Than My Body" - John Mayer

Thanks again to those who commented on what songs they find inspirational. I picked this one for today's blog because it reminds me that success does not always come when we need it or when we want it. But success that must be patiently earned is oftentimes sweeter than that which comes quickly and without struggle. And, somehow, knowing that others are struggling for their success encourages me to continue the struggle as well. You can listen to all of "Bigger Than My Body" by clicking on the YouTube feed on the left of the blog.

Food for Thought: What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in life so far? How long did you struggle to obtain that goal?

Proactive Inspiration Challenge: Find someone in your life who is struggling for a goal and give them a word or a note of encouragement.


Anonymous said...

you blog is outstanding and I know you will be successful. All things take time. Seeds must be planted, crops fertilized and watered, and then finally the harvest will come. (just watch out for the fertilizer, sometimes it can get really stinky).

Anonymous said...

Very true, dancing donna. If something has merit, you just need to work to the tipping point, and then it explodes. Clearly, the hardest part is knowing if your "something" has merit. Sometimes it's easy is easy, other times it just "feels right." Stick with this blog!

Blog Host said...

Thank you both for your encouraging words. I intend to continue on with the blog. I hope that you continue to enjoy it and share it with your friends.